

Opening Hours

Thurs - Fri : 9 - 6, Sat: 10 - 8

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Body Slimming Detox Wraps

Our Body Slimming Detox Wraps aid with detoxification, boosting of the lymphatic system and metabolism, body contouring, temporary inch-loss, skin tightening, and skin softening.

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Body Slimming Detox Wraps

Ionic Foot Detox

The Ionic Foot Detox provides many health benefactors including reducing inflammation, Internal cleansing with full-body purge and enhancing the immune system.

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Ionic Foot Detox

Yoni Steams

The Yoni Steam is an age-old natural holistic remedy used to cleanse the vagina and uterus, regulate menstruation and ease period cramps and bloating. It can also be used to treat hemorrhoids, bacterial vaginosis (BV) and yeast infections.

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Yoni Steams

Infrared Sauna Blanket Detox

The Infrared Sauna Blanket uses the unique penetrating power of the body to absorb far-infrared rays. As these rays penetrate the skin, the deep thermal affects of the subcutaneous tissue (fat tissue) causes blood vessels and capillaries to dilate promoting better blood circulation and aids in riding the body of toxins and metabolic waste.

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Infrared Sauna Blanket Detox

What Is the Body Slimming Detox Wrap?

It is a nonsurgical procedure performed to reduce localized fat, tighten skin, reduce cellulite and aid in contouring the body to a desirable shape or figure. We utilize ultrasonic cavitation and radio frequency to achieve the contouring effect. Ultrasonic cavitation is used to tone the body by bursting fat cells open underneath the skin which are drained into the lymphatic system for disposal.

Our Services

Non-Invasive Body Contouring

Nonsurgical procedure performed to reduce localized fat, tighten skin, reduce cellulite and aid in contouring the body to a desirable shape or figure. We utilize ultrasonic cavitation and radio frequency to achieve the contouring effect. Ultrasonic cavitation is used to tone the body by bursting fat cells open underneath the skin which are drained into the lymphatic system for disposal.

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Non-Invasive Body Contouring

Ultimate Weight-Loss Program

We are so excited to announce our partnership with Warrior Revival! We have created a fitness program like no other and cannot wait for YOU to experience these GAINS....

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Ultimate Weight-Loss Program

Womb Massage with Navel Candling

A womb massage is a massage of the abdominal/pelvic area. The massage helps to alleviate many female reproductive issues. Benefits includes: reduction of stress, increased circulation to the uterus and cervix, reduction of scare tissue, aids in elimination of stagnant blood and cells, alleviating menstrual cramps and many more.

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Womb Massage with Navel Candling

Visit Our Spa and Experience The Difference

Enjoy our spectacular menu along with an ambiance that is aesthetically pleasing and serene!